The cream is the fat that rises to the surface of milk during the first stage of the butter making process. The cream is pasteurized and homogenized before it is sold, it may also be sterilized, either by normal means or by means of ultra-heat treatment (UHT). It has to be heated to higher temperatures than the milk from which it is derived because it contains more bacteria.
As well as varying in texture, It can be fresh, which is the best for all purposes, treated with a culture which helps prolong its life, sterilized, when it acquires an odd, flat, sweetish flavour or treated to a version of UHT, when it has a long life but is not the best choice when the flavour of the cream is important. Fresh cream is obviously the first choice and this will keep, refrigerated, for up to 4 days in summer and days in winter. Some firms still deliver untreated cream to local stores, and this is the cream with the best flavour of all.
The cream is widely used in cooking, particularly in French food, because its taste and texture are hard to match. It is added to coffee, vinaigrettes, soups, sauces, omelettes, terrines, desserts, candies, and liqueurs. Whipped cream is used to garnish and enrich pastries, soufflés, pies, ices, charlottes, sauces, and fruits. It is an essential ingredient in vacherins and puffs. It is high in calories because it is relatively fatty. Milk and yoghurt are being substituted for cream more and more, as people become increasingly concerned about their consumption of fat and calories.
Whipping Cream
In Canada, whipping cream contains between 32% and 40% fat. In the United States, a distinction is made between light whipping cream between 30% and 36% fat and heavy whipping cream at least 36% fat. In Europe, a cream that contains at least 30% fat is known simply as heavy cream. Chantilly cream is made by adding sugar and vanilla to whipped cream.
Coffee Cream
Coffee cream contains 10% fat.Country Cream
A cream that contains only 15% fat but has the same consistency as 35% cream and can be whipped.
Table Cream
A cream that contains between 15% and 18% fat. In Europe, this kind of cream is known as single cream and contains a higher percentage of fat.
Crème Fraiche
Crème Fraiche, an important ingredient in French food, is pasteurized and has a lactic fermenting agent added, giving it a taste that is slightly acidic without being sour. It can be prepared by using one part buttermilk to two parts whipping cream, heating to 25° Celsius, left to sit for 6 to 8 hours, and then refrigerated. Crème Fraiche is an indispensable ingredient in many sauces.
Clotted Cream
This is a speciality of the west of England, where great pans filled with milk are heated, cooled and then skimmed of their thick, wrinkled, creamy crust. This cream is usually eaten in Devon and Cornwall piled on to scones with strawberry jam.
Sour Cream
Sour cream (or sour cream) is pasteurized cream that has been soured with a bacterial culture. It makes food taste slightly acidic. Sour cream is frequently added to soups, dips, sauces, goulash, bread, and cakes. In the United States, baked potatoes are rarely eaten wit hour a touch of it. Two popular sour cream dishes are Eastern European borscht and Russian Smetana sauce.